Let’s Talk About Iron Deficiency…

Iron deficiency is a worldwide problem…

According to the World Health Organization up to 80% of the world’s population suffers from iron deficiency. Iron is a critical mineral for the mind and body, involved in everything from keeping us feeling energized and maintaining our immune systems to helping provide restorative sleep and brain power.

What are the signs of iron deficiency?

– If you have ever shared a bed with your child and noticed a helicopter like movement in their sleeping position, (fall asleep side by side and by midnight they are perpendicular to you) low iron status could be the culprit. 
– Or maybe you notice when you are sleeping and find yourself tossing and turning, a key sign of restless leg syndrome. 
– Low iron status is also associated with poor focus and learning in kids, especially in subjects that require more concentration and brain power such as math. 
– Anxiety and depression can also be a sign of poor iron status, since iron is required by our bodies to make dopamine, a neurotransmitter critical for anxiety modulation

What do do if you suspect an iron deficiency…

– Check ferritin level via a blood test (ferritin is the protein that reflects storage levels of iron in the body) 
– Vary food sources as much as possible
– Supplement only if deficiency is discovered via lab test. Excess Iron is toxic – iron supplements should only be taken under the supervision of a qualified and licensed health care practitioner. 

Food first approach…

As with all nutrient deficiencies, a food first approach is always best. Work with a licensed health practitioner such as a registered dietitian nutritionist to assess your current status and recommend specific modifications to your eating patterns to ensure you have a balanced intake of heme and non heme iron sources as well as maximize absorption. Click here if you would like to schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation to learn how a food first approach can help address your iron deficiency concerns whether they be poor energy, immune function, attention, focus, mood, anxiety and sleep.